Minutes of a workshop:
CEN/TC304 N770
Place: Dublin, Ireland
Time: Thursday 16 October 1997 14:00-19:30
Þorvarður Kári Ólafsson opened the workshop and welcomed the
Michael Everson was selected as secretary.
Participants in the meeting:
DE Marc Wilhelm Küster
DK Keld Simonsen
FI Erkki Kolehmainen
FI Klaas Ruppel
GB Graham Dixon
GB Chris Makemson
GR Evangelos Melagrakis
IE Michael Everson
IE Mícheál MacConmara
IS Þorgeir Sigurðsson
IS Þorvarður Kári Ólafsson
NO Trond Trosterud
PL Elzbieta Broma-Wrzesieñ
SE Wolf Arfvidson
SE Karl-Ivar Larsson
SE Wera Lundström
SE Monica Ståhl
SE Göran Tellström
US Mike Ksar
CEC Ken Thompson
CEC Lazaros Tossounidis
The participants in the workshop were representing their expert views, not necessarily the views of their National Bodies or those of their employers.
Agenda adopted and documents were assigned. The numbers in this document relate to the Recommendations arising from the Crete workshop.
Ken Thompson: I can confirm that the registration in ISO 4217 was
done a year ago. The country code has not been
registered in ISO 3166.
Michael Everson: The ISO 3166 Registration Authority says that
entities like the EU, EFTA, NATO, etc. are outside
their scope, but have asked ISO for clarification.
Mike Ksar: is there a document saying that EUR has been
registered? Who did it? When did it happen:? We cannot take
it for granted that it is done. We need to see a document.
Chris Makemson: We need to see a copy of the newsletter.
Mike Ksar: BSI is the RA for ISO 4217.
Ken Thompson: The Commission has sent a letter to AFII requesting
the forms and advice on how to register the
glyph. We were waiting to see what the Dublin Workshop would do.
The Commission would like TC304's help in
preparing the application, but will retain responsibility for the
Mike Ksar: Asmus Freytag, president of AFII probably hasn't got it
because it went to the wrong address (AFII has
gone through a lot of changes recently). The Commission should
send a new application to him at the AFII Post Office
Box, cc: Mike Ksar. The registration will happen through the Unicode
Consortium, because they are offering
administrative support.
Ken Thompson: The letter sent or to be resent is a formal letter; we
have to have a formal situation. There are two
actions: one is formal, one is practical.
See also discussion under agenda item 2.4.
Ken Thompson: What is there has been tabled internally; we should
try to cover some lookalike forms, including a
preferred form and permitted variants.
Lazarus Tossounidis: In big organizations like the Commission, there
is a main goal to achieve, and responsibilities
are assigned. The EURO SIGN was created, then several departments
had to do different things to put it forward. When
it comes to IT, we have noted that the font issue needs work. The
background is, when this logotype was first
communicated, there were some metrics associated to it. The
typographic community didn't take well to this. I was
obliged to provide to the CEC fonts that supported it, so we had to
go back to Monotype to get this for our
implementation. It is not appropriate for everything to use the
logotype. As far as I am concerned, an expert, or a
company, should make a proposal for a preferred approach in a
given font. This task hasn't been approved, and hasn't
been done. It just hasn't been done. I don't know what will happen
in the next few months. A professional description of
these matters should be provided.
Karl-Ivar Larsson: In one specific instance, OCR-B should have the
same status as the original glyph, its shape must
be absolutely defined as to outline, according to SISO 9541.
Chris Makemson: we are looking at more than one registration, a
specification of variations, a registration in relation
to OCR.
Mícheál MacConmara: There seems to be little consultation outside
of the Commission. It may have been thought that
it was just a marketing symbol. People didn't realize the large
implications of the creation of this symbol. The implication
is that the statement has been made is that for it to be a real
currency it needs a symbol. There is no proof of a user
requirement for this, other than the Commission's assertion that it
is required. If you register a logo you can say what it
should look like. A letter of the alphabet or a generic symbol like a
dollar sign can't be specified. Style is involved.
Typographers must be given freedom.
Lazarus Tossounidis: It was a logotype, but now variation is being
considered. I would support the idea that the
Commission is not cut off from the people, and won't make decisions
like that, thought the press often suggests this. It
is a symbol like everything else. There is a strong political will
behind this. Nothing has been enforced, if you don't want
to use the symbol.
Mícheál MacConmara: There is an appearance that some of the
requirements for the glyph makes it harder to
implement. US and Japanese companies won't put it on the
Klaas Ruppel: ED13 is a useful paper: the only thing that AFII can
register is the logo; the glyphs will be made by
Karl-Ivar Larsson: There is only one standard for glyphs: ISO 1073:
OCR-A and OCR-B. There are situations where
you need a specific font, but these are very specialized instances.
Graham:Under ISO 10036 you can register glyph collections and
individual glyphs. What you record is a representative
version of that shape.
Mike Ksar: I think that the AFII registry you can register a
collection. Variations of the font can be there. Anyone in the
world can register the same symbol. The Commission's registration
is identified as that, Microsoft can do the same and
say that this is their version. A glyph is a well-defined shape, not a
shape from which other styles are derived or can be
derived. That's why the character can have multiple glyphs.
Registration can be done by anyone who wishes to. EU
registration does not protect the sign in any way from other
variants. They want to register a logo for their publications,
but not as a currency sign as such.
Michael Everson: US and Asians may not put the symbol on
keyboards, but it is in character sets and access to the
symbol in keyboard driver software will be provided. What we
have is that for good or for ill the Commission has
created a new cultural element which will very doubtless be used.
The real interest in different variants is cultural. The
Commission wants to popularize the currency and the symbol. The
Commission is concerned about æsthetics. Æsthetics
should be promoted. We don't need to register lots of glyphs in the
AFII registry where people won't be using them.
What we need is a best-practice advice to typographers. My
company makes fonts and as you can see from ED13 I have
taken some interest in defining the kinds of variations which are
permitted, with regard to weights and proportions and so
forth. I would be happy to take an action to liaise with Lazaros with
regard to producing such set of a guidelines, whether
alone or in conjunction with other typographers. Such an output
document should be published on the web.
Lazarus Tossounidis: In San José I gave a talk about the use of the
currency in IT standardization, it is part of the
Universal Character Set. If there is a deadline we have to know
about it. There is no guideline as to whether the sign
precedes or follows the amount.
Marc Küster: DIN is skeptical about the need for a currency symbol
at all, the need to use one is hard to convey to
Germans, especially with regard to the need to implements such an
expensive thing. The costs seem to bear no relation to
the gain one would have to use such a new way of writing a
currency sign. If it is indeed necessary, there must be no
stipulation as to the design of the shape itself, which is purely a
matter of personal taste.
Erkki Kolehmainen: Michael Everson said already what I was going
to say, It is our duty to review the cultural
element. As standardizers we have to make it possible to enter,
process, and output. And we are in no position to discuss
whether there is any merit whatsoever to the value of the cultural
element. It is outside our scope.
Karl-Ivar Larsson: OCR has to be defined by a mathematical outline
description, whatever happens with other fonts.
Trond Trosterud: We cannot limit the number of allographs (a term
which is a synonym to glyph) in any way.
Mike Ksar: It is a cultural element. We have to standardize it for
use. From an AFII registry point of view, I would
recommend the registration of only one glyph.
Keld Simonsen: In Denmark we are also concerned about the
usability of the sign. We are looking at looking at not
using it. I agree with Erkki.
Lazaros Tossounidis: We received some input from the typographic
community. There is a way of saying x varies
between this minimal value and this maximal value. When you
shrink it, the proportions don't work, the metrics must
have values between minimum and maximum. This is simple and
typographers understand it.
Mike Ksar: for AFII registration we should send it to AFII, and ask
that Commission accept feedback. Ask to register
one generic glyph.
Evangelos Melagrakis: Conclusion should be that tomorrow TC304
should assign to some of its members the task to
assist the Commission in the registration. Secondly, there is AFII,
then there is ISO 1037 for OCR-B. That OCR-B is
Wolf Arfvidson: If we talk about the sign as a symbol, there is an
ISO registry for symbols, that is not in IT. There
are hundreds of fonts registered with AFII.
Mike Ksar: You must refer to ISO 10036, see clause 6.1.
Mícheál MacConmara:Recommended output for agreed fallback.
Chris Makemson: Project 9.2 needs to have a fallback representation
for the EURO SIGN.
The Canadian NB has made this proposal and sent it out on e-mail. Recommendation: TC304 should monitor this activity. 1997-09-26 document from Alain LaBonté (ED16) proposes to replace one of the ways of typing the SOFT HYPHEN in ISO/IEC 9995-3.
Mike Ksar: Does CEN TC304 want only to monitor this proposal or to
take action with regard to it and to other
Mícheál MacConmara: De facto keyboards should be a national
keyboards. The commission should not be attempting
to do this on behalf of the countries. Via the subsidiarity.
Lazaros Tossounidis: This has been initiated by the Commission
according to the principle of subsidiarity as a
centralized action (when centralization is an advantage it should be
employed), since there are few national standards for
See also discussion under next agenda item.
Lazaros Tossounidis: There was an internal group preparing
information from standardization bodies, to help give
guidelines and make proposals. The usual procedures within the
Commission were followed. At a political level from
DGII, responsible for the Euro in all its aspects. I made this proposal
after evaluating what the situation was, what the
similarities with other currencies were, how the industry would
react to such a proposal. We contacted industry and
bodies like ECMA. We investigated 100 keyboards and typewriters
of over the last 35 years. We used a number of
guiding principles, including the prominence that the Commission
wished the Euro to have on keyboards, with very
strong advice from DGIII: visibility and ease of activation were
considered to be essential. Character set issues were
considered, fonts, etc. were considered. Generally, level 1 or level 2
characters have a prominent place on the keyboards,
but level 3 characters don't. Levels 2 and 3 are considered
equivalent in terms of ergonomics and visibility. Adding a
new key is not reasonable today. The £ and $ should not be
replaced. The numeric keypad shouldn't be used. Costs
should be minimal for hardware and software vendors.
Trying to place the Euro on level 1 involves moving characters. This
is too complex. It was not considered to be good for
generations of users used to level 1 characters. There are no real
underlying principles apart from that things shouldn't
infiltrate the alphanumeric area. The newest keyboard these days
has 104 keys.
1. So it was determined that on most keyboards it should be on alt-
E and engraved there.
2. Alternatively, it should be engraved and accessed by for example
shift-alt-2. For instance, in the UK and Ireland, alt-E
produces Éé and they don't want this changed.
The Commission will ask in future that keyboards shipped for
procurement will contain the EURO SIGN.
In the Commission we are supporting Windows NT.
We are asking for feedback on this.
Göran Tellström: There exist other systems than NT. Moving Irish
letters to introduce a symbol is very difficult. We
must focus on 9995 revisions and national standards.
Mícheál MacConmara: The DOLLAR SIGN has nothing to do with
currency. It is a reserved symbol in many
operating systems. Most European cultures would not have used the
DOLLAR SIGN as a currency sign, but for other
Michael Everson: The concern we have in Ireland is that we get UK
and US keyboards, and if you they decide to
engrave on the E key, we are trapped by the a market into a
keyboard which is directly inimical to the way we type now.
We prefer shift-alt-4, shift-alt-5; Canada has proposed shift-alt-2.
Lazaros Tossounidis: All the points were taken into account. I say,
solemnly, if I am today here it is for the minority
languages. We have taken this into account and there are three
proposals. There was a lot of time spend studying this. All
German keyboards have @ on the Q key engraved on the
keyboard.So we are following a precedent.
Marc Küster: DIN is somewhat disturbed by this tendency. National
keyboards are falling into the domain of national
standards bodies within ISO/IEC 9995. In comparison to the real
multilingual market, the Commission with its 50,000
keyboards is still a small market. The problem is that neither
hardware nor software currently supports the @ sign being
on the Q key. Only a minority of software actually supports this.
Mike Ksar: Are you proposing a short-term solution using alt-E, or a
long term solution? In the short-term solution is
the Commission's proposal similar to the Microsoft proposal?
Graham Dixon: I agree with Michael. Nobody expects a currency sign
to be on an alphabetic key. The signs µ and @
are alphabetic characters. It seems more natural that the Euro be on
a numeric key. I don't see a benefit from having a
large number of keyboards having it in the same position.
Göran Tellström: Microsoft has been mentioned several times. There
was some information coming from Microsoft,
that was the position in July. Changes were made to that list. What
is on the end of page 23 and 24 is very close to the
Michael Everson: I would support it being on alt-2, 4, 5, but not on
E. The Euro is a cultural element, but my
keyboard is also a cultural element. Prominence may be important,
but so are æsthetics. If you engrave it on the 4 or 5
key I will think that it is great. If you put it on my E key I will
consider it an offence.
Þorvarður Kári Ólafsson: The Commission should ask for written
comments by a given time to Lazaros on the
keyboard issue. We could ask the commission to consider the
Canadian proposal.
Marc Küster: There is the question of the cost of printing the EURO
SIGN on the E key. The cost is also in the
software, which is the point. My second point is that it should be
reiterated that it is the national bodies' responsiblity to
care about national keyboards, not the Commission's.
Lazaros Tossounidis: The Commission's proposal is made to assist
the national bodies.
Mícheál MacConmara: If it becomes known that the sign is available
on some keyboards, it will generate an artificial
demand for having the keyboard changed. I would also like to agree
with Michael, the e-fada (Éé) is very important to
Action 3.2: National bodies to consider the Commission proposal in
ED10 and the Microsoft proposal, and the
Canadian proposal the implications of each and to comment on it to
the TC by middle of December.
Lazaros Tossounidis: With regard to legacy systems such as OS2 and
Macintosh, if we do not place the Euro in
legacy character sets, there is no point in talking about putting it on
the keyboard.
Klaas Ruppel: I would like shortly to say that I don't like signs
brought into the alphabetic area of the keyboard. In this
Canadian proposal. they proposed to have the Euro replace the soft
hyphen, which "currently has little use if any". This
is not true, at all, for Finnish and many, many languages.
Göran Tellström: If you read ISO/IEC 9995 very deeply, there are
two ways of creating soft-hyphen. You can use
level 3 or you can use group 2. What I don't like is the use of key
E03 level 3. According to 9995 today, there were 2
ways to type the soft hyphen, one which is logical and one not. The
Canadian proposal is to remove the "less logical"
Michael Everson: I don't want to spend time on this Canadian
proposal, the soft hyphen and claims made by Alain
LaBonté are not true. The soft hyphen is not optional, and if users
are used to accessing it in certain ways these should
not be removed from them.
Mike Ksar: I would like to follow Michael's proposal. TC304 should
recommend to JTC1 not to pursue this proposed
draft amendment.
Þorvarður Kári Ólafsson: We can urge TC304 members to participate
in the discussion of this in the JTC1/WG9.
Þorgeir Sigurðsson: I contacted TC68 and they asked to circulate our
press release in their newsletter.
Mike Ksar: Do they have a standard? Do we know who the
secretariat is?
This is in progress in SC2/WG2. Reference is ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 Resolution document N1604, Resolution 33.23
This is moving to a PT and editorial instructions do refer to adding the EURO SIGN to these repertoires.
The "Latin 0" proposal is out for NWI and CD ballot. Microsoft has
added the EURO SIGN to cp1252 in position x80.
Keld Simonsen: We did also talk about the addition of the EURO
SIGN to Latin 2, the new Romanian part of 8859,
etc. Does anyone know about that?
Evangelos Melagrakis: We have been engaged in an immense
exercise to review all parts of 8859. I never been able
to understand why it took so many years. In order to do something
of benefit to a small country like mine, I am looking
at the Greek part of 8859 in a more productive manner. We are
looking at all the characters needed to write monotonikó
Greek at least, We also decided to add the DRACHMA SIGN some
empty spaces are being used; I am afraid of the other
parts of 8859 being registered,we will find we have the same
problems as in 8859-1. We are considering the inclusion of
EURO SIGN in 8859 parts in general. It is a problem
administratively mainly, before technical issues can even be
Karl-Ivar Larsson: The delays in revising 8859 have indeed been
incomprehensible. We did talk about this in SC2.
Evangelos Melagrakis: What will be the principles by which we will
start the whole exercise? We have to consider
these before we even consider thinking about adding anything to
the existing pages.
Mike Ksar: This item is a touchy subject to many, including myself.
If TC304 wants to study this further, that is OK.
My concern is that the impact of creating new coded character sets
will have a severe impact on industry, changing
software, software drivers, locales, existing systems, whether 7-bit
or 8-bit. It will cost money. If the European proposal
for keyboards is considered to be sane, I would welcome the
Commissions's study of creating another part of 8859 just
for the EURO. Messages on TC304 reflector that announce that Latin
0 would replace Latin 1. It is easier to look at it
objectively. Replacing 8859-1 as the default Western European
characters set will have an immense impact everywhere! I
would discourage the creation of any other parts of 8859 just for
the EURO SIGN. I would like to see that implementors
start to use the agreed upon code n 10646 as the method of
implementation of the Europe sign, using 10646 as the
preferred standard for implementations. and move away from
using 8-bit standards.
Göran Tellström: If we are doing anything in 8-bits it had better be
done now and quickly. If we concentrate on this
we will have delays. Registration of Latin 0 is regarded as the best
introduction of We have to focus on the future. An
8-bit solution for non-Window systems is needed in the near
future, but only the Latin 1 countries. We shouldn't try to
cover everything now.
Lazaros Tossounidis: Currently in the Commission people will be
using Word 97 using the EURO. The exchange
format is Word 6. This will happen over the next 2-3 years. I see a
clear need to put the EURO SIGN in legacy systems,
but I want to say as a user, the industry cannot come logically and
reasonably and say both black and white about the
same issue. Having struggled for many years to support Unicode
and 10646 I can say this. Industry always said "it was
not commercial to force the industry to 10646 right away", and now
the industry says that "it is not commercial to force
us to support the EURO in legacy code pages". Industry wants to do
what it wants in its own time.
Þorgeir Sigurðsson: In Crete Latin 0 the CURRENCY SIGN was
replaced, then that was changed to
PLUS-MINUS, now it seems that the will is to change it back.
Mike Ksar: I agree we need a quick solution for 8-bit or 7-bit. Latin
0 might be one solution, but not in an ISO
standard. The quick solution which exists today is in cp1252, where
there is room for the EURO SIGN. This is OK as
long as we don't mess around with 8859. We need to give our
attention to 10646. We don't want to create new parts like
Latin 0, it diminishes the amount of energy we can spend on 10646.
Monica Ståhl: There are other systems than Windows.
Mícheál MacConmara: DECUS/EUROBIT has written to to the
Commission -- the attitude of most vendors is that
they would rather not have the sign at all; their public attitude is
that it is unnecessary.
Karl-Ivar Larsson: Note that the so-called "Windows Western
Extended" coding scheme in the handout comparing
Latin-0, Latin-1 is not a Microsoft document.
See agenda item 4.3.
ED04 proposes that characters in ASCII be replaced in 7-bit and 8-
bit code tables.
Mike Ksar: We should not think about touching ASCII.
Some discussion ensued, partly offline. It can be summarized thus:
The solution proposed is untenable, and other solutions are already available to users in 7-bit environments.
1.Use the three letter code EUR. This is the simplest solution.
2.Use, in accordance with clause 7 of ISO 646:1981, use BACKSPACE or CARRIAGE RETURN to create the EURO SIGN out of C and =.
3.Derive, in accordance with clause 6.4.3 of ISO 646:1981, a coded character set based on the coded character set described in ISO 646:1991. Such a derived character set would need to be registered in ISO 2375 for anyone to take any notice. Positions which can be used for this are: 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E, or @ [ \ ] ^ ` { | } ~
Liaison letter to TC225 has they appointed Chris Swindon from AIM Europe to TC304. We don't need liaison with TC31, but with TC225.
Sorting, matching, simultaneous rendering, various platforms, writing of amounts, OCR-B, interoperability, barcoding, HTML. There was no time to address each of these specifically, but many of them were discussed during the other topics. Recommendation 5.1 is covered by 5.2-5.5 and 4.3.
Go to a summary of the recommendations of this meeting.