5 May, 2000
Robert Klarer
J16 Meeting No. 30
WG21 Meeting No. 25
17-21 April, 1999
Formal Minutes
Kikai-Shinko-Kaikan Bldg.
3-5-8, Shiba-koen, Minato-ku
Tokyo 105-0011, Japan
WG21 + J16 Meeting, Monday, April 17, 2000
1. Opening Activities
1.1 Opening Comments
Clamage began by welcoming everyone to the 30th meeting of J16.
Mitsuhashi welcomed everyone to the meeting, described the amenities available in the building and reviewed the procedure for copying documents.
1.2 Introductions
Clamage introduced the chair, WG21 convener and vice-chair. Everyone then introduced themselves.
1.3 Memberships, voting rights, and procedures
Clamage reviewed the rules determining which committee members possess voting rights.
Clamage noted that the meetings will begin at 9:00am each morning although the printed agenda indicates that the meetings will begin at 8:30am.
Miller circulated the membership list and J16 attendance list and explained the document numbering.
Clamage noted that Klarer has volunteered to act as secretary at this meeting. Applause.
1.4 Agenda review and approval
1.5 Distribution of position papers. WG progress reports. WG work plans for the week, and other documents that were not distributed before the meeting.
No documents were ready at this point. The WGs will be as follows: Core, Library, Performance.
1.6 Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
Motion by Dawes to approve document 99-0028=N1224 as the formal minutes of the previous meeting. Second by Miller.
1.7 Report on the WG21 Sunday meeting
Plum noted that discussion of extensions will be suspended until after this meeting at the earliest. Discussion of the time at which extension requests will be formally considered should take place on the admin reflector.
Plum noted Martin O'Riordan has volunteered to be Chair and Project Editor of the PerformanceWorking Group.
Plum also noted that Observing members of the WG are now permitted to participate in WG meetings.
1.8 Liaison reports
Benito mentioned that C met in Japan last week. C published its standard in December 1999. The document number is ISO/IEC 9899:1999. The US has not yet adopted this standard. Benito is confident that NCITS will adopt the standard soon and make it available for download for about $20.
C has submitted a new work item proposal to SC22 and to JTC1 pertaining to embedded systems performance. Apart from the new work item, the C group's efforts are devoted to a rationale and to defect reports.
1.9 New items requiring actions from the committee
Clamage noted a change to the agenda. Tuesday afternoon at 4:00pm, the full committee will meet to discuss the progress of the various subgroups. [secretary's note: this progress report was later deemed unnecessary and canceled.]
Plum recommended that the performance subgroup meet for only two days during the week so that its members could sit in on other subgroup sessions. Martin suggested that the performance group discuss that possibility among themselves.
2. Organize subgroups, establish working procedures.
This had been done (under item 1.5).
3. WG sessions (Core, Library, Performance),
The Core and Library groups will work on Defect Reports. Perfomance will set its own agenda.
WG21 + J16 Meeting, Tuesday, April 18, 2000
4. WG sessions continue.
WG21 + J16 Meeting, Wednesday, April 19, 2000
5. WG sessions continue.
WG21 + J16 Meeting, Thursday, April 20, 2000
6. General Session
Convene at 9:10 am.
6.1 WG status and progress reports.
Core group status was presented by Miller:
Library group status was presented by Dawes:
Plum presented Performance group status:
6.2 Presentation and discussion of DRs ready to be voted on. Straw votes taken.
No straw votes were taken, as there will be only one motion to vote on Friday morning and 00-0027=N1250, the document identifying that issue, was only distributed Thursday morning.
Adjourn at 9:40 am.
7. WG sessions continue
WG21 + J16 Meeting, Friday, April 21, 2000
Convene at 9:02 am.
8. Review of the meeting
Clamage noted that progress reports were made by each of the working groups yesterday. Miller updated the core working group progress report of yesterday by discussing Issue 45, relating to a nested class' access to members of its enclosing classes. Miller drew attention to this issue because it may be of particular interest to members of the committee who were not present in core WG deliberations Thursday.
8.1 Formal motions, including DRs to be resolved.
Beman presented two formal motions on behalf of the LWG. These motions are identified in 00-0027=N1250.
Dawes moved item one in document 00-0027=N1250, Kühl seconded.
Dawes moved item two in document 00-0027=N1250, Kühl seconded.
Nelson moved that the commitee thank our hosts. Applause.
8.2 Review of action items, decisions made, and documents approved by the committee
This had been done (under item 6.1).
8.3 Issues delayed until Friday
No items had been delayed until Friday.
9. Plans for the future
9.1 Next meeting
The next meeting will take place in Toronto during the week of November 22, 2000. Klarer drew attention to the meeting announcement in document 00-0012=N1235 and discussed sites of interest in the Toronto area.
9.2 Mailings
Miller indicated that the deadline for submissions to the premeeting mailing for Toronto will be the 6th of September.
9.3 Following meetings
Kristoffersen indicated that he would issue a meeting announcement soon for the April 2001 meeting in Copenhagen.
Plum indicated that it is likely that WG21/J16 will be invited to meet in Redmond or Seattle in October of 2001.
Klarer moved to adjourn. Dawes seconded.
Adjourn at 9:26am.
Appendix A - J16 Attendance list
Name | Organization | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri |
Nelson, Clark | Intel | V | V | V | V | V |
Merrill, Jason | Red Hat | V | V | V | V | V |
Spicer, John | Edison Design Group | A | A | A | A | A |
Adamczyk, Steve | Edison Design Group | V | V | V | V | V |
Vandevoorde, Daveed | Edison Design Group | A | A | A | A | A |
Fitzpatrick, Liam | Programming Research | V | V | V | V | V |
Plauger, P. J. | Dinkumware, Ltd. | V | V | V | V | V |
Becker, Pete | Dinkumware, Ltd. | A | A | A | A | A |
Benito, John | Perennial, Inc. | V | V | V | V | V |
Crowl, Lawrence | Sun Microsystems | V | V | V | V | V |
Colvin, Greg | Oracle | V | V | V | V | V |
Plauger, Tana L. | Dinkumware, Ltd. | A | A | A | A | A |
Han, Yenjo | Mentor Graphics Corp. | V | V | V | V | V |
Wiegley, John | Inprise Corp. (Borland) | V | V | V | V | |
Klarer, Robert | IBM | V | V | V | V | V |
Schmeiser, Jamie | IBM | A | A | A | A | A |
Koenig, Andrew | AT&T | V | V | V | V | V |
Caves, Jonathan | Microsoft | V | V | V | V | V |
Dawes, Beman | self | V | V | V | V | V |
Ward, Judy | Compaq Computer | V | V | V | V | V |
Clamage, Steve | Sun Microsystems | A | A | A | A | A |
Plum, Thomas | Plum Hall | V | V | V | V | V |
Miller, William M. | self | V | V | V | V | V |
Total Voting | 17 | 17 | 17 | 17 | 16 | |
Total Attending | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | |
Overall Total | 23 | 23 | 23 | 23 | 22 |