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Follett (USA) (12/96 N2381) x  S -1.3xSecretariat U. S. A. (American National Standards Institute  S0-2.xArea of Work: Standardization of programming languages, their environments and x` `  systems software interfaces such as:  S-x` `  hhspecification techniques; and  S-x` `  hhcommon facilities and interfaces  S@-x` `  Excluded: specialized languages or environments assigned to the x` `  program of work of another Subcommittee or Technical Committee.  S-3.xMembership "P" Members x` `  Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Czech Republic, x` `  Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Japan, x` `  Netherlands, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Sweden, x` `  Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America x` `  "O" Members x` `  Argentina, Bulgaria, Cuba, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, x` `  Israel, Italy, Republic of Korea, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, x` `  Singapore, Thailand, Turkey, Yugoslavia x` `  ISO Liaisons x` `  JTC 1/SC1, SC2, SC7, SC21, SC27 x` `  External Category A Liaisons x` `  CCE, ITU, ECMA x` `  External Category C Liaisons x` `  Working Group level liaisons: X/Open, Share Europe"&0*((n("Ԍ S- 4.xWorking Groups  S-4.1x WG3` `  APL  S`-xConvener L. Dickey (Canada) (1994 N1706)  S8-xToR` `  Development of ISO standards for Programming Language APL and x` `  Extended APL  S-4.2x WG4` `  COBOL  S-xConvener A. Wallace (USA) (1994 N1706)  Sp-xToR` `  Coordinate the development of ISO standards for Programming x` `  Language COBOL. Coordinate the development of draft amendments x` `  for language extensions to ISO 1989  S -4.3x WG5` `  Fortran  S -xConvener M. Ellis (UK) (1995 N1779)  S -xToR` `  Coordinate the revision of ISO 1539 Programming Language Fortran  S0-4.4x WG9` `  Ada  S-xConvener R. Mathis (USA) (Acting)  S-xToR` `  Development of ISO standards for Programming Language Ada  S-4.5x WG11` `  Binding Techniques  Sh-xConvener W. Wakker (Netherlands) (1996 N2301)  S@-xToR` `  Study binding issues between programming languages and the abstract x` `  facilities with which they interface or interact. Serve as the SC22 x` `  focal point for coordinating SC22 comments on SC21 bindings  S-4.6x WG13` `  Modula2  Sx-xConvener M. Schoenhacker (Austria) (1996 N2301)  SP-xToR` `  Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for Modula2  S-4.7x WG14` `  C  S-xConvener J. Benito (USA) (1996 N2301)  S-xToR` `  Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for C  S`-4.8x WG15` `  POSIX  S8-xConvener J. Isaak (USA) (1994 N1706)  S -xToR` `  Coordinate the content of ISO standards for the Portable Operating x` `  System Interface  S"-4.9x WG16` `  Lisp  Sp#-xConvener P. Parquier (France) (1996 N2133)  SH$-xToR` `  Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for Lisp "&0*((n("Ԍ S-4.10x WG17` `  Prolog  S-xConvener R. Scowan (UK) (1994 N1706)  S-xToR` `  Coordinate the content of an ISO standard for Prolog  S`-4.10x WG19` `  Formal Specification Languages  S8-xConvener D. Andrews (UK) (1996 N2301)  S-xToR` `  Develop and coordinate the content of ISO standards for formal x` `  specification languages within the scope of SC22.  S-4.11x WG20` `  Internationalization  Sp-xConvener A. Winkler (USA) (1996 N2301)  SH -xToR` `  Identify elements relevant to the work of SC22 that may be affected x` `  by differences in language, culture, customs and habits; for these x` `  elements, develop standards that enable applications to be portable x` `  across differing cultural practices; develop a Technical Report that x` `  describes a framework for nations to provide those elements.  SX-4.13x WG21` `  C++  S0-xConvener T. Plum (USA) (1996N2301)  S-xToR` `  Coordinate the development of an ISO standard for programming x` `  language C++  S-4.14x WG22` `  PCTE  Sh-xConvener R. Minot (France) (1994 N1706)  S@-xToR` `  To maintain and develop the three parts of the ISO/IEC PCTE x` `  standards; to develop further standards, complementary to that x` `  standard. "&0*((n("ԌԩTP  S-PART II:` `  MEETINGS  S-1.1xLast Plenary London, United Kingdom  S-1.2xDocuments Resolutions N2301 x` `  Minutes N2299 x` `  Agenda N2298 x` `  Secretariat Report N2304 x` `  Secretariat Report SC22 Programme of Work N2304  S -2.xWGs did not meet in conjunction with Plenary meeting.  S -3.1xNext Plenary Ottawa, Ontario, Canada x` `  August 1822, 1997  S-3.2xFuture WG Meetings  S-X` hp x (#%'0*,.8135@8:"%S02/1014/97@@Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA>  S-xWG15 POSIXhhm"%S05/1922/97@@Exeter, United Kingdom @@@@@m10/2023/97hppCornwall, Ontario, Canada  S`-x  hhSpring 1998hppFrance (tentative)  S -xWG16 Lisp hh10/1819/97hppTBA  S!-xWG17 Prologhh,"%S March/April 1997@Germany,  Sp#-xWG19 Formal Spec Lngs x  "%S   "%S x WG19 Z Rapporteur Gp "&0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙxWG20 Internationalizationhh11/1014/97hppEgypt  S-xWG21 C++ hh07/1318/97hppLondon"%SGuilford, United Kingdom  S-x  hh11/0914/97hppNew Jersey, USA  S`-x  hh03/0813/98hppSophia Antipolis, France  S8-x  hh07/1217/98hppRochester, New York, USA  S-xWG22 PCTEhhJ"%S05/1314/97@@Camberley, Surrey, United KingdomJ  S-xJSG  hh06/3007/01/97hppLondon, United Kingdom  SH -xSC22 Plenaryhh08/1822/97hppOttawa, Ontario, Canada  "%S   "%S "&0*((n("ԌԩTP  S- PART III PERSONNEL  S-l.x Secretariat hh ANSI x  hhWilliam C. Rinehuls x  hh8457 Rushing Creek Court x  hhSpringfield, VA USA 22153 x    SH -x  hhTelephone: h+1 (703) 9129680  S -x  hhFax:@h+1 (703) 9122973  S -x  hhemail:@hrinehuls@access.digex.net  S -2.x Chairman hhRobert H. Follett x  hh4709 Bristow Drive x  hhAnnandale, VA USA 22003  S-x  hhTelephone:h+1 (703) 9411675  S-x  hhFax:@h+1 (703) 9411675  S-x  hhemail:@hfollett@access.digex.net  S-3.xWorking Groups x x(Note that date in parentheses is date on which the Convener's appointment expires.)  Sx-x WG3  hhAPL  S(-x Secretariat:hhSCC  S-x Convener:hhLeroy J. Dickey (97 Plenary) x  hhDepartment of Pure Mathematics x  hhUniversity of Waterloo x  hhWaterloo, Ontario x  hhCanada N2L 2G1  S -x  hhTelephone:h+1 (519) 8884567, x5559  S!-x  hhFax:@h+1 (519) 7250160  S"-x  hhemail:@hljdickey@math.uwaterloo.ca  S %-x WG4  hhCOBOL  S%-  S&-x Secretariat:hhANSI"&0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙx Convener:hhAnn Wallace (97 Plenary) x  hhIBM x  hhDZ6/E22 x  hhP. O. Box 49023 x  hhSan Jose, CA USA 951619023  S-x  hhTelephone:h+1 (408) 4634344  S-x  hhFax:@h+1 (408) 4632425  S-x  hhemail:@hAnnWallace@vnet.ibm.com  SH -x WG5  hhFortran  S -x Secretariat:hhBSI  S -x Convener:hhMiles Ellis (99 Plenary) x  hhDirector, Educational Technology Resources Centre x  hhUniversity of Oxford x  hh3741 Wellington Square x  hhOxford OX1 2JF x  hhUnited Kingdom  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+44 1865 270528  Sh-x  hhFax:@hpp+44 1865 270527  S@-x  hhemail:@hppmiles.ellis@etrc.ox.ac.uk  S-x WG9  hhAda  Sx-x Secretariat:hhANSI  S(-x Convener:  hhJames W. Moore (Acting) x  hhThe Mitre Corporation x  hhM/S W534 x  hh1820 Dolley Madison Boulevard x  hhMcLean, VA 22102 USA  S`-x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (703) 8837396  S8-x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (703) 8835432  S -x  hhemail:@hppmoorej@acm.org  S -x  hh@hpp "%S   "%S   S"-x WG11  hhBinding Techniques  SH$-x SecretariathhNNI  S%-x Convener:hhWillem Wakker (99 Plenary) x  hhACE Consulting b.v."&0*((n("Ԍx  hhVan Eeghenstraat 100 x  hh1071 GL Amsterdam x  hhThe Netherlands  S`-x  hhTelephone:hpp+31 20 664 6416  S8-x  hhFax:@hpp+31 20 675 0389  S-x  hhemail:@hppwillemw@ace.nl  S-x WG13  hhModula2  Sp-  SH -x Secretariat:hhON  S -x Convener:hhMartin Schoenhacker ("%S1999 Plenary) x  hhInstitute of Computer Graphics x  hhVienna University of Technology x  hhKarlsplatz 13/1861 x  hhA1040 Vienna x  hhAustria  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+43 1 58801 4079  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+43 1 504 2583  S-x  hhemail:@hppschoenhacker@eiunix.tuwien.ac.at  S-x WG14  hhC  S-  S-x Secretariat:hhANSI  Sx-x Convener:hhJohn Benito (99 Plenary)  SP-x  hhPerennial x  hh3004 Mission Street x  hhSuite 130 x  hhSanta Cruz, CA USA 95060  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (408) 4573915  S`-x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (408) 4573916  S8-x  hhemail:@hppjb@peren.com  S!-x WG15  hhPOSIX  Sp#-x Secretariat:hhANSI  S %-x Convener:hhJim Isaak (97 Plenary) x  hhDigital LJ02 x  hh30 Porter Road"&0*((n("Ԍx  hhLittleton, MA USA 01460  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (508) 2647678  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (508) 2647656  S`-x  hhemail:@hppj.isaak@computer.org  S-x WG16  hhLisp  S-x Secretariat:hhAFNOR  SH -x Convener:hhPierre Parquier (99 Plenary) x  hhILOG S.A x  hh9 rue Verdun x  hhBP85 x  hh94253 Gentilly Cedex x  hhFrance  S0-x  hhTelephone:hpp+33 1 49 08 35 86  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+33 1 49 08 35 10  S-x  hhemail:@hppparquier@ilog.fr  Sh-x WG17  hhProlog x  S-x Secretariat:hhBSI  S-x Convener:hhRoger Scowen (97 Plenary) x  hh9 Birchwood Grove x  hhHampton, Middlesex x  hhTW12 3DU United Kingdom x  hh  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+44 (181) 979 7429  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+44 (181) 287 3810  S-x  hhemail:@hpprss@cise.npl.co.uk  S8-x WG19  hhFormal Specification Languages  S -x Secretariat:hhBSI  S"-x Convener:hhDerek Andrews (99 Plenary) x  hhDepartment of Mathematics and Computer Science x  hhUniversity of Leicester x  hhLeicester LE1 7RH x  hhUnited Kingdom "& 0*((n("Ԍ S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+44 116 252 3401  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+44 116 252 3604  S-x   hh email:@hppderek@mcs.le.ac.uk  S8-x WG20  hhInternationalization  S-x Secretariat:hhANSI  S-x Convener:hhArnold Winkler (99 Plenary) x  hhUnisys B254 x  hh2476 Swedesford Road x  hhPaoli, PA USA 19301  S -x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (610) 9937305  S -x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (610) 6955473  S -x  hhemail:@hppwinkler@tr.unisys.com  S-x WG21  hhC++  S-x Secretariat:hhANSI  Sh-x Convener:hhThomas Plum (99 Plenary) x  hhPlum Hall, Inc. x  hhP. O. Box 44610 x  hhKamuela, HI USA 96743  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (808) 8821255  Sx-x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (808) 8821556  SP-x  hhemail:@hpptplum@plumhall.com  S-x WG22  hhPCTE  S-x Secretariat:hhECMA  S8-x Convener:hhRegis Minot (97 Plenary) x  hhTranstar x  hh14 rue de la Ferme x  hh92100 Boulogne x  hhFrance  SH$-x  hhTelephone:hpp+33 1 46 94 7730  S %-x  hhFax:@hpp+33 1 46 94 7799  S%-x  hhemail:@hppregis.minot@transtar.fr  S&-"& 0*((n("Ԍ S-x SC22/JSG hhJava* Study Group  S-x Convener:hhRobert Mathis x  hhSuite 1815 x  hh4719 Reed Road x  hhColumbus, OH 43220 USA x  S-x  hhTelephone:hpp+1 (703) 8837396  S-x  hhFax:@hpp+1 (703) 8835432  S-x  hhemail:@hppmathis@sw.eng.fallschurch.va.us x  hh@hpp73313.2671@compuserve.com  S&-*x"Java" is a trademark of Sun Microsystems."& 0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙ Project Editors:  S-xName/Address hh@hppProject  xx 0WG  S`-xNorm Aaronson (USA)hh@hpp22.21.02.03  xx 015  S-xC. Anderson (with S. Taft) (USA)@hpp22.10.01  xx 09  S-xJay Ashford (USA)hh@hpp22.21.03.04  xx 015  Sp-xTed Baker (USA)hh@hpp22.21.04.02  xx 015  S -xE. Barkmeyer hh@hpp22.17  xx 011 xNIST xBuilding 225, Room B266 xGaithersburg, MD USA 20899  S -xTelephone: +1 (301) 9753528  SX-xFax:  +1 (301) 2589749  S0-xemail:  edbark@cme.nbs.gov  S-xSteve Blake (with C. Roby)hh@hpp22.15291  xx 09 xAonix, Inc. x10258 Visa Sorrento Parkway xSuite 300 xSan Diego, CA 92121 USA  S-xTelephone: +1 (619) 4572700 x272  S-xemail:  sblake@aonix.com  S-xMalcolm Cohenhh@hpp22.02.01.04  xx 05 xThe Numerical Algorithms Group, Ltd. xWilkinson House xJordan Hill Road xOxford OX2 8DR xUnited Kingdom  S-xTelephone: +44 (1865) 511245  S-xFax:  +44 (1865) 31039  S`-xemail:   malcom@nag.co.uk  S -xJ.Dawes  hh@hpp22.47  xx 022 x4 Holmes Close xWokingham xBerkshire RG41 2SG xUnited Kingdom  SH$-xTelephone: +44 1734 787098  S %-xFax:  None  S%-xemail:  john.dawes@virgin.net "& 0*((n("Ԍ S-xL. Dickey hh@hpp22.09.01  xx 03  S-xDepartment of Pure Mathematics@hpp22.09.02  xx 03 xUniversity of Waterloo xWaterloo, Ontario xCanada N2L 1GI  S8-xTelephone: +1 (519) 8884567, x5559  S-xFax:  +1 (519) 7250160  S-xemail:  ljdickey@math.uwaterloo.ca  S-xK. Dritz  hh@hpp22.10.02  xx 09  Sp-xArgonne National Laboratoryhh@hpp22.10.03  xx 09  SH -xDecision and Information Services Divisionhpp22.10.04 (w/J. Sando)xx 09  S -x9700 S. Cass Avenuehh@hpp22.10.05 (w/J. Squire)xx 09 xArgonne, IL USA 60439  S -xTelephone: +1 (630) 2527217  S -xFax:  +1 (630) 2526073  S -xemail:  dritz@dis.anl.gov  S0-xK. Edwards hh@hpp22.16  xx 011 xIBM Corporation xD48/D333 x555 Bailey Avenue xP. O. Box 49023 xSan Jose, CA USA 951619023  S@-xTelephone: +1 (408) 4633095  S-xFax:  +1 (408) 4633114  S-xemail:  edwardsk@stlum20.unet.ibm.com  S-xDavid Epstein  hh@hpp22.02.03  xx 05 xImagine 1 xP. O. Box 250 xSweet Home, OR 97386 USA  S-xTelephone: +1 (541) 3834848  S-xemail:  david@imagine1.com  S-xFrank Farance hh@hpp220.20.01  xx 014 xFarance, Inc. x555 Main Street xNew York, NY USA 10044  S -xTelephone: +1 (212) 4864700  S!-xFax:  +1 (212) 7591605  S"-xemail:  frank@farance.com  SH$-xDan Frantz hh@hpp22.27.01  xx 0n/a xDigital xZK022/R80 x110 Spit Brook Road"& 0*((n("ԌxNashua, NH USA 03062  S-xTelephone: +1 (603) 8812272  S-xFax:  +1 (608) 8810120  S-xemail:  frantz@send.enet.dec.com  S8-xM. Graham (USA)hh@hpp22.31  xx 09  S-xB. Hedquist (USA)hh@hpp22.37  xx 015  S-x  hh@hpp22.145151  xx 015  S-x  hh@hpp22.145151.01  xx 015  Sp-x  hh@hpp22.145151.02  xx 015  S -xMichael Hennecke hh@hpp22.02.01.03  xx 05 xUniversity of Karlsruhe xRechenzentrum (G20.21 R210) xZirkel 2 * P. O. Box 69 80 xD76128 Karlsruhe xGermany  S0-xTelephone: +49 (721) 6084862  S-xFax:   +49 (721) 32550 xemail: hennecke@rz.unikarlsruhe.de  S-xTony Hetheringtonhh@hpp22.08  xx 0n/a  Sh-xProspero Software, Ltdhh@hpp22.19  xx 0n/a x190 Castelnau xLondon SW13 9DH xUnited Kingdom  S-xTelephone: +44 181 741 8531  Sx-xFax:  +44 181 748 9344  SP-xemail:  tony@prospero.demon.co  S-xJonathan Hodgsonhh@hpp22.22.02  xx 017 xDepartment of Mathematics/CSC xSt. Joseph's University x5600 City Avenue xPhiladelphia, PA USA 19131  S8-xTelephone: +1 (610) 6601571  S -xFax:  +1 (215) 4730001  S -xemail:  jhodgson@sja.edu  S"-xD. Jones  hh@hpp22.20.03  xx 014 xKnowledge Software x62 Fernhill Road xFarnsborough xHants GU14 9RZ xUnited Kingdom"&0*((n("Ԍ S-ԙxNasser Kettani hh@hpp22.35  xx 09 xRational Software Corporation x1, Immeuble de la Gare xF78180 MontignyleBretonneux xFrance  S8-xTelephone:  +33 1 30 12 09 50  S-xFax:  +33 1 30 12 09 66 xemail: nkettani@rational.com  S-xA. Kido (with M. Noda)hh@hpp22.13  xx 020 xIBM Japan x162314 Shimotsuruma xYamatoshi, Kanagawa xJapan  S -xTelephone: +81 462 73 5436  S -xMartin Kirk (UK)hh@hpp22.21.03.01  xx 015  SX-x  hh@hpp22.21.03.03  xx 015  S0-x  hh@hpp22.21.03.05  xx 015 x  hh@  S-xJohn Klensin hh@hpp22.05  xx 0n/a  S-xMCI Data Services Divisionhh@hpp22.06  xx 0n/a x800 Boyleston Street, 7th Floor xBoston, MA USA 02199  S@-xemail:   Klensin+sc22@mail1.reston.mci.net  S-xAndrew Koenighh@hpp22.32  xx 021 xAT&T Research x600 Mountain Avenue; Room 2C306 xP. O. Box 636 xMurray Hill, NJ USA 079740636  S(-xTelephone: +1 (908) 5825976  S-xFax:  +1 (908) 5825857  S-xemail:  ark@research.att.com  S-xT. Kurtz  hh@hpp22.11  xx 0n/a xTrue BASIC x12 Commerce Avenue xWest Lebanon, NH USA 03784  S -xTelephone: +1 (603) 2988517  S!-xFax:  +1 (603) 2987015  S"-xemail:  tom.kurtz@dartmouth.edu  SH$-xA. LaBonte hh@hpp22.30.02.02  xx 020 xMinistere des Communications xGouvernement du Quebec x1500, boul. Charest Ouest"&0*((n("Ԍxler etage xSainteFoy Quebec xGIN 2E5 Canada  S-xTelephone: +1 (418) 6437229  S`-xFax:  +1 (418) 6463571  S-xRichard Maine hh@hpp22.02.01  xx 05 xNASA Dryden xM/S D2033 xP. O. Box 273 xEdwards, CA USA 93523  SH -xTelephone: +1 (805) 2583316  S -xFax:  +1 (805) 2583567  S -xemail:  maine@altair.dfrf.nasa.gov  S -xShane McCarronhh@hpp22.145152  xx 015  SX-xDonald Nelson hh@hpp22.01.07  xx 04  S0-xTandem Computers, Inc.hh@hpp22.14  xx 011 xMS 25240 x5425 Stevens Creek Boulevard xSanta Clara, CA USA 950517200  S-xTelephone: +1 (408) 2855203  Sh-xFax:  +1 (408) 2855245  S-xM. Noda (with A. Kido)hh@hpp22.13  xx 020 xNEC Corporation x16 Nisshincho, Fuchu xTokyo 163, Japan  Sx-xTelephone: +81 423 33 5058  S(-xJim Oblinger (USA)hh@hpp22.15287.01  xx 015  S-x  hh@hpp22.15287.02  xx 015  S-xMary Payne hh@hpp22.33  xx 011  S-xDigital  hh@hpp22.34  xx 011 x129 Parker Street xMaynard, MA USA 017542195  S -xTelephone: +1 (508) 4932586  S -xFax:  +1 (508) 4933608  S!-xemail:  payne@csovax.enet.dec.com  Sp#-xKent Pitman hh@hpp22.23  xx 016 xHarlequin, Inc. x8th Floor xOne Cambridge Center xCambridge, MA USA 02142"&0*((n("Ԍ S-xTelephone:  +1 (617) 3742516  S-xFax:  +1 (617) 2526505  S-xemail:  kmp@harlequin.com  S`-xC. (Kees) Pronkhh@hpp22.18.01  xx 013 xDelft University of Technology xFaculty of Technical Math & Informatics xP. O. Box 356 xNL2600 AJ Delft xThe Netherlands  Sp-xTelephone: +31 15 278 1803  SH -xFax:  +31 15 278 7141  S -xemail:  cpronk@twi.tudelft.nl  S -xJohn K. Reed hh@hpp22.02.02  xx 05 xAtlas Centre xRutherford Appleton Laboratory xOxon OX11 OQX xUnited Kingdom  S-xTelephone: +44 (1235) 446 493  S-xFax:  +44 (1235) 446 626  S-xemail:  jkr@letter/box.rl.ac.uk  Sh-xJohn Rible hh@hpp22.15 "%S 1 "%S 45  xx 0n/a x317 California Street xSanta Cruz, CA USA 950604215  S-xTelephone:  +1 (408) 4580399  S-xFax:  +1 (408) 4760175  S-xemail:  jrible@quicksand.com  SP-xClyde Roby (with S. Blake)hh@hpp22.15291  xx 09 xInstitute for Defense Analysis x1801 N. Beauregard Street xAlexandria, VA 22311 USA  S-xTelephone: +1 (703) 8456666  S-xFax:  +1 (703) 8456788 xemail: ClydeRoby@acm.org  S -xD. Sando (with K. Dritz)hh@hpp22.10.04  xx 09 x15113 SE 39th Place xRenton, WA 98059 USA  S"-xTelephone: +1 (206) 6620187  Sp#-xFax:  +1 (206) 6620115  SH$-xemail:  sando@mirage.boeing.com  S%-xTakayuki K. Satohh@hpp22.30.01  xx 020 xHewettPackard Company"&0*((n("Ԍx91 Takakuracho, Hachioji xTokyo 192, Japan  S-xTelephone: +81 426 60 3233  S-xFax:  +81 426 60 8659  S`-xemail:  takayukisato_@hpjpn.desk.hp.com  S-xCasey Schaufer (USA)hh@hpp22.42  xx 015  S-x  hh@hpp22.43  xx 015  S-xKate Schell hh@hpp22.44  xx 0n/a xJacquard Systems Research x800 Nelson Street xRockville, MD 208502051 USA  S -xTelephone: +1 (301) 7628999  S -xFax:  +1 (301) 7628999 xemail: cschell@saltmine.radixnet  SX-xLaurie Schonfelderhh@hpp22.02.02  xx 05 xDirector, Computing Services Department xUniversity of Liverpool xP. O. Box 147 xLiverpool LG9 3BX xUnited Kingdom  Sh-xTelephone: +44 (151) 7943716  S@-xFax:  +44 (151) 7943759  S-xemail:  jls@liverpool.ac.uk  S-xKeld Simonsenhh@hpp22.21.01.01  xx 015  S-xDKUUG  hh@hpp22.30.02.01  xx 020  Sx-xFruebjergvej 3 hh@hpp22.30.20.03  xx 020  SP-xDK2100 Kobenhavuhh@hpp22.14766  xx 015 xDenmark  S-xTelephone: +45 39 17 99 00  S-xFax:  +45 39 77 02 02  S-xemail:  keld.simonsen@dkuug.dk  S`-xJohn Squire  hh@hpp22.10.05  xx 09 x106 Regency Circle xLinthicum, MD 21090 USA x  S!-xR. Sutcliffe hh@hpp22.18.04  xx 013 xTrinity Western University x7600 Grover Road xLangley, B.C., Canada V2Y 1Y1 x  S%-xS. Tucker Taft (with C. Anderson) @hpp22.10.01  xx 09 xIntermetrics, Inc."&0*((n("Ԍx23 Fourth Avenue xBurlington, MA 018033303 USA  S-xTelephone: +1 (617) 2216990  S-xFax:  +1 (617) 2216991 xemail: stt@dsd.camb.inmet.com  S-xAnn Wallace hh@hpp22.01.03  xx 04  S-xIBM  hh@hpp22.01.04  xx 04 xP. O. Box 49023 xDQP/E22 xSan Jose, CA USA 951619023  SH -xTelephone: +1 (408) 4634344  S -xFax:  +1 (408) 4632425  S -xemail:  AnnWallace@vnet.ibm.com  S -xStephen Walli hh@hpp22.  xx 015  S -x  hh@hpp22.21.02.01  xx 015  SX-x  hh@hpp22.21.04.01  xx 015  S0-x  hh@hpp22.40  xx 015  S-x  hh@hpp22.41  xx 015  S-xA. Wiedemann hh@hpp21.18.02  xx 013 xZenettistrasse 40 xD80337 Muenchen xGermany  S-xJohn B. Wordsworthhh@hpp22.45  xx 019 xIBM UK Laboratories xMail Point 095 xHursley Park, Winchester xHants SO21 2JN xUnited Kingdom  S-xTelephone: +44 1962 815 700  S-xFax:  +44 1962 842 327 xemail: jbwords@vnet.ibm.com