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Van Wingen  S-x` ` 7.4.2 Liaison Officer to SC7 hppJ. Cote  S-x` ` 7.4.3 Liaison Officer to SC21 hppI. Korn  SP-x` ` 7.4.5 Liaison Officer to SC1 hppto be determined  S-x` ` 7.4.6 Liaison Officer to SC27 hppto be determined  S-8.xWORKING GROUP REPORTS xDocument N2401, N2402  S -x(Written report to be submitted by Conveners before presentation. Presentation up to 15 (#(#Xxminutes. Reports for this Plenary will include the Business Plan by JTC 1.) x  Sp#-x8.1` ` WG3 APLhh@hppL. Dickey x` ` Document *  S%-x8.2` ` WG4 COBOLhh@hppA. Wallace x` ` Document * * Document to be provided."X)0*0*0*+"Ԍ S-x8.3` ` WG5 Fortranhh@hppM. Ellis x` ` Document *  S-x8.4` ` WG9 Adahh@hppJ. Moore x` ` Document *  S-x8.5` ` WG11 Binding Techniques@hppW. Wakker x` ` Document *  S-x8.6` ` WG13 Modula2hh@hppM. Schoenhacker x` ` Document *  S -x8.7` ` WG14 Chh@hppJ. Benito x` ` Document *  S -x8.8` ` WG15 POSIXhh@hppJ. Isaak x` ` Document *  S0-x8.9` ` WG16 Lisphh@hppP. Parquier x` ` Document *  S-x8.10` ` WG17 Prologhh@hppR. Scowan x` ` Document *  S@-x8.11` ` WG19 Formal Specification LanguagesppD. Andrews x` ` Document *  S-x8.12` ` WG20 Internationalization@hppA. Winkler x` ` Document *  SP-x8.13` ` WG21 C++hh@hppT. Plum x` ` Document *  S-x8.14` ` WG22 PCTEhh@hppR. Minot x` ` Document *  S`-x8.15` ` SC22/JSGhh@hppR. Mathis x` ` Document *  S!-9.xPROJECT EDITOR REPORTS  Sp#-x9.1` ` Basic hh@hppT. Kurtz x` ` Document *  S%-x` ` 9.1 Technical Corrigendum 1 to ISO/IEC 10279:1991 Programming Language (#(#X x` `  Basic Reconsideration x` `  Document N2442 * Document to be provided."X)0*0*0*+"Ԍ S-x9.2` ` FIMS hh@hppD. Frantz x` ` Document *  S-x9.3` ` Pascal hh@hppT. Hetherington x` ` Document *  S-x9.4` ` PL/I hh@hppJ. Klensin x` ` Document *  Sp-10.xAD HOC MEETINGS (as required)  S -11.xITEMS FOR DISCUSSION  S -x11.1` ` JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Implementing Information Technology x` ` Document N2431  S0-x` ` 11.1.1 JTC 1 Policy for Electronic Distribution Using the World Wide Web x` `  Document N2366, N2378, N2382, N2431, N2440  S-x` ` 11.1.2 Results of Questionnaire Regarding ServerBased Distribution Within SC22 x` `  Document *  S@-x11.2` ` JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Reengineering x` ` Document N2331  S-x` ` 11.2.1 Status of JTC 1 "Special Actions" Recommendations x` `  Document N2405  SP-x11.3` ` JTC 1/SWGGII x` ` Document N2346, N2368, N2368, N2385, *  S-x11.4` ` ISO Copyright Policy x` ` Document N2432, N2434, N2340  S`-x11.5` ` NP Acceptance Criteria x` ` Document N2415  S -x11.6` ` Revised JTC 1 Directives Modification of DIS Balloting Proceduresxx 0(#(#Xx` ` Document N2359, N2408, N2410  Sp#-x "Kw 12.` ` SC22 ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUES  S %-x12.1` ` Review of FiveYear Meeting Schedule x` ` Document N2299 * Document to be provided  SX)-x12.2` ` Standards for Periodic Review"X)0*0*0*+"Ԍx` ` Document N2344  S-x` ` 12.2.1 ISO/IEC 99452: 1993 POSIX, Part 2: Shell and Utilities  S`-x` ` 12.2.2 ISO/IEC TR 10182:1993 Binding Techniques for Programming Languages  S-x12.3` ` Retention of Projects Not Reaching CD Stage Within Three Years of NP Approval x` ` Document "Kw  N2448 "Kw   S-x12.4` ` Retention of Projects Not Reaching DIS Stage Within Four Years of Reaching CD x` ` Document N2449 "Kw   S -x12.5` ` Working Group Conveners Appointments/Reappointments  S -x` ` 12.5.1 WG3 (Mr. Dickey)  S -x` ` 12.5.2 WG4 (Ms. Wallace)  S0-x` ` 12.5.3 WG15 (Mr. Isaak)  S-x` ` 12.5.4 WG17 (Mr. Scowan)  S-x` ` 12.5.5 WG22 (Mr. Minot)  S-13.xOTHER BUSINESS  S-14.xAPPROVAL OF RESOLUTIONS AND STATEMENT OF RESULTS  S(-15.xADJOURNMENT * Document to be provided.