
N4350 |
SC 22 Document Register (N 4301-N 4350)
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Document Register |
Information |
2008-06-12 |
22 |
126 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4349 |
Editorial Meeting of the JTC 1/SC 22 OWG-Vulnerability, 30 June-2 July 2008, Washington, DC, USA
Source: OWG-Vulnerability Convener
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-06-10 |
2 |
44 KB |
For information.

N4348 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N 4311, CD
Registration and Approval Ballot for Revision of ISO/IEC 10967-1,
Information technology - Language independent arithmetic - Part 1:
Integer and floating arithmetic Source: SC 22 Secretary
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-05-29 |
5 |
31 KB |
This document is circulated for information. As per the results of this
ballot, the text has passed. WG 11 is instructed to take the comments
received into consideration and prepare a text for FCD Ballot.

N4347 |
REVISED First Draft Agenda for the 22-25 September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan, Italy
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-22 |
7 |
32 KB |
This document is circulated for information. The only change to this
agenda is that the close of the meeting is 1700hr, Thursday, 25
September 2008

N4346 |
Meeting Agenda for the 15-20 September 2008 SC 22/WG 1 Meeting in San Francisco, CA, USA
Source: WG 21 Convener
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-22 |
4 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4345 |
Meeting Agenda for the 8-14 June 2008 SC 22/WG 21 Meeting in Sophia Antipolis, France
Source: WG 21 Convener (H. Sutter)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-22 |
4 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4344 |
Preliminary Agenda for the 8-12 September 2008 SC 22/WG 14 and PL22.11 in Milpitas, CA, USA
Source: WG 14 Convener (J. Benito)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-20 |
2 |
11 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4343 |
Technical Corrigendum 3 for ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004, Programming languages - Fortran
Source: WG 5 Convener (J. Reid)
Revised DCOR text for review or ITU-T action |
Vote |
2008-08-20 |
2008-05-19 |
6 |
77 KB |
Please submit your vote via the online balloting system by the due date
indicated. The Defect Report is available as SC 22 N4342.

N4342 |
Defect Report 3 for ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004, Programming languages -
Source: WG 5 Convener (J. Reid)
Defect Report |
Information |
2008-05-19 |
26 |
59 KB |
For information and review when voting on SC 22 N4343.

N4341 |
Disposition of Comments for the Comments Receieved on the FCD Ballot of ISO/IEC 9945
Source: Project Editor (A.Josey)
Disposition of Comments Report |
Information |
2008-05-14 |
4 |
19 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4340 |
Meeting Agenda for the 20 June 2008 SC 22/WG 9 Meeting in Venice, Italy
Source: WG 9 Convener
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-14 |
2 |
14 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4340 |
Meeting Agenda for the 20 June 2008 SC 22/WG 9 Meeting in Venice, Italy
Source: WG 9 Convener
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-05-14 |
2 |
133 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4339 |
First Draft Agenda for the 22-25 September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan, Italy
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Act |
2008-05-14 |
7 |
47 KB |
NOTE The next SC 22 Meeting will be held from Monday, 22
September 2008 to Thursday, 25 September at the UNI Facility in Milan,
Italy. Please note the following due dates associated with document
submission and additions to the agenda: 28 July 2008 - WG Convener,
Liaison, and Project Editor Reports due. Any document for commenting or
action at the Plenary and any changes/additions to the agenda. 22
August 2008 - National Body Reports and National Body Contributions to
the Agenda. Official delegates lists.

N4338 |
Meeting Announcement and Logistics for the 22-25 September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan, Italy
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Meeting Announcement |
Information |
2008-05-14 |
3 |
81 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. A draft agenda will be circulated as a separate document.

N4337 |
JTC 1 N 9031, Draft Agenda for
Teleconference of JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Direct Participation 11 June
2008, 6:00 AM US Pacific Time Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-04-30 |
4 |
39 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4336 |
JTC 1 N 9043, Preliminary Draft Agenda
and Joining Instructions - Web Services Study Group Electronic Meeting
- 2008-06-25 13:00 PDT/16:00 EDT Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Information |
2008-04-29 |
4 |
57 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4335 |
JTC 1 N 9034, Convenors Report from the SWG-Archival and Retrieval Mechanisms (SWG-ARM) Meeting, 10-11 March 2008 London, UK
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Information |
2008-04-29 |
25 |
119 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4334 |
JTC 1 N 9018, Recommendations from the SWG-Archival and Retrieval Mechanisms (SWG-ARM) Meeting, 10-11 March 2008 London, UK
Source:JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Information |
2008-04-10 |
4 |
48 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for informaiton.

N4333 |
Summary of Voting on JTC 1 N 8919 -
Proposed Withdrawal of ISO/IEC TR 14652: 2004, Information technology -
Specification method for cultural conventions Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-04-10 |
6 |
59 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information.

N4332 |
Agenda for the 2nd Conference Call of the JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Annex H of the JTC 1 Directives, 28 April 2008
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-04-09 |
5 |
82 KB |
NOTE Due to administrative error in transcribing the Draft
Agenda for the teleconference scheduled for 4 April 2008, the
Participant Code was omitted from the meeting agenda. Only 3 delegates
jointed this meeting despite an immediate email follow-up with the
correct code to the recent SWG-Directives attendees. Apologies are
extended to those unable to join that call. |

N4331 |
Agenda for the1st Conference Call of the JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Annex H of the JTC 1 Directives, 4 April 2008
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-04-09 |
5 |
95 KB |
NOTE This document is circulated to JTC 1 National Bodies
and Subcommittees for use by delegates to the meeting. Dial-in
information is attached. |

N4330 |
Call for Contributions on the Elimination of Voting Forms in the ISO/IEC JTC 1 Directives
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-06-15 |
2008-04-09 |
3 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for consideration. Please
submit any comments to the SC 22 Secretary no later then 15 June 2008. |

N4329 |
JTC 1 N 8999, Call for Comments on JTC 1
N 8940, Canadian Contribution to the March 2008 JTC 1 SWG-Directives on
PAS and Fast Track Size Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-06-15 |
2008-04-09 |
4 |
77 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for consideration. Please
submit any comments to the SC 22 Secretary no later then 15 June 2008.

N4328 |
JTC 1 N 8997, Use Cases to Aid in the
Understanding of JTC 1 N 8670, Contribution on the JTC 1 Fast Track
Process as Applied to Ammendments and its Applicability to JTC 1 Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-06-15 |
2008-04-09 |
2 |
40 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for consideration. Please
submit any comments to the SC 22 Secretary no later then 15 June 2008.

N4327 |
JTC 1 N 8986, Draft Standing Document on Best Practices for Teleconferencing
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-06-15 |
2008-04-09 |
5 |
77 KB |
NOTE This document is circulated to SC 22 members for
consideration. Please submit any comments to the SC 22 Secretary no
later then 15 June 2008.

N4326 |
JTC 1 N 8992, Call for Participants to the SWG on Annex H of the JTC 1 Directives
Source: JTC 1 Secretary
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-06-15 |
2008-03-19 |
2 |
28 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for consideration. Should
any member of SC 22 wish to participate as the SC 22 represnetative to
this group, please let the SC 22 Secretary know by the due date
indicated. Please note, while the due date is not until June, the first
meeting of this group will be held via teleconference on 4 April 2008.

N4325 |
Result of 2008 Systematic Review for ISO/IEC 1989, Programming languages - COBOL
Source: ITTF
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-03-19 |
7 |
60 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4324 |
Future of Embedded System Standards
Source: JTC 1 SWG Technology Watch
Other document (Defined) |
Act |
2008-03-19 |
19 |
443 KB |
NOTE As per JTC 1 Gold Coast Resolution 45, this document is
circulated to SC 22 members for consideration as input on their
cativiteis on APIs and component integration.

N4323 |
Vocabulary Maintenance Team List of Duplicative Terms - French
Source: Project Leader (J. Cote)
Other document (Defined) |
Comment |
2008-06-19 |
2008-03-19 |
113 |
398 KB |
NOTE This document is circulated to SC 22 members for
comment. Please submit any comments to the SC 22 Secretary by the due
date indicated, and they will be forwarded to the Project Leader. |

N4322 |
Vocabulary Maintenance Team List of Duplicative Terms - English
Source: Project Leader (J. Cote)
Other document (Defined) |
Comment |
2008-06-19 |
2008-03-19 |
2477 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for comment. Please submit
any comments to the SC 22 Secretary by the due date indicated, and they
will be forwarded to the Project Leader. |

N4321 |
Vocabulary Maintenance Team Identification of Duplicate Terms
Source: Project Leader (J. Cote)
Other document (Defined) |
Comment |
2008-06-19 |
2008-03-19 |
6 |
82 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for comment. Please submit
any comments to the SC 22 Secretary by the due date indicated, and they
will be forwarded to the Project Leader. |

N4320 |
Canada's Proposal TERMIUM® as the Mechanism to Support the Maintenance of IT Vocabulary (ISO/IEC 2382)
Source: Project Leader (J. Cote)
Other document (Defined) |
Comment |
2008-06-19 |
2008-03-19 |
12 |
85 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for comment. Please submit
any comments to the SC 22 Secretary by the due date indicated, and they
will be forwarded to the Project Leader. |

N4319 |
ISO/IEC 1539-1, Information technology - Programming languages - Fortran - Part 1: Base language
Source: WG 5 Convener (J. Reid)
Text for CD ballot or comment |
Vote |
2008-08-31 |
2008-03-19 |
618 |
7981 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members ballot. Please submit your
vote by the due date indicated. Please note that the due date for this
ballot has been chosen by WG 5, and is longer then the normal three
month CD ballot period. |

N4318 |
ISO/IEC 24747, Information technology -
Programming languages, their environments and system software
interfaces - Extensions to the C Library, to Support Mathematical
Functions Source: WG 14 Convener (J. Benito)
Text for FCD ballot or comment |
Vote |
2008-07-20 |
2008-03-19 |
32 |
230 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members ballot. Please submit your
vote by the due date indicated. This document was originally balloted
as a Technical Report, but was changed to an IS by both SC 22 and JTC 1
in May 2007. |

N4317 |
Meeting Recommendations and Action List from the March 2008 JTC 1 SWG-Directives
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Resolutions |
Information |
2008-03-18 |
15 |
76 KB |
For information.

N4316 |
Meetnig Report of the JTC 1 SWG-Directives March 2008
Source: SC 22 Representative (J. Hill)
Meeting Report |
Information |
2008-03-18 |
11 |
217 KB |
For information.

N4315 |
Text for CD Registration and Ballot,
ISO/IEC 1989, Inforamtion technology - Programming languages, their
environments and system software interfaces - Programming language
COBOL Source: WG 4 Convenor (A. Bennett)
Text for CD ballot or comment |
Vote |
2008-06-19 |
2008-03-18 |
907 |
5765 KB |
As per SC 22 Resolution 07-01, this text is circulated to SC 22 members
for ballot. Please submit your vote via the online balloting system by
the due date indicated. |

N4314 |
ISO PSDO Agreement with IEEE
Source: ISO Central Secretariat
Other document (Defined) |
Information |
2008-03-18 |
11 |
450 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information.

N4313 |
Austin Group Status Report
Source: Austin Group Convener (A. Josey)
Other document (Defined) |
Information |
2008-03-07 |
2 |
17 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4312 |
Meeting Announcement and Draft Agenda for the June 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 WG 9 Meeting in Venice, Italy
Source: WG 9 Convener (J. Tokar)
Meeting Announcement |
Information |
2008-03-07 |
3 |
17 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information.

N4311 |
CD Registration and Approval Ballot for
Revision of ISO/IEC 10967-1, Information technology - Language
independent arithmetic - Part 1: Integer and floating point arithmetic Source: WG 11 Convener (W. Wakker)
Text for CD ballot or comment |
Vote |
2008-05-27 |
2008-02-26 |
123 |
688 KB |
Please submit your vote by the due date indicated.

N4310 |
Draft Report of the Twentieth Plenary of JTC 1/SC 22, September 2007, Singapore
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Meeting Report |
Comment |
2008-05-01 |
2008-02-01 |
27 |
97 KB |
This document is circulated for review and comment. Please submit your
comments by the due date indicated so that a final report can be issued

N4309 |
Preliminary Agenda for Meetnig #8 of ISO/IEC jTC 1/SC 22/OWG: Vulnerability, 9-11 April 2008
Source: OWG:Vulnerability Convener (J. Benito)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-01-22 |
2 |
15 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4308 |
Preliminary Agenda for Meetnig #8 of ISO/IEC jTC 1/SC 22/OWG: Vulnerability, 9-11 April 2008
Source: OWG:Vulnerability Convner (J. Benito)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-01-22 |
2 |
5 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4307 |
REVISED Summary of Voting for SC 22 N4297, Revised Text of ISO/IEC TR 18037 :2004, Information technology -
Programming languages - C - Extensions to support embedded processors Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-01-17 |
4 |
41 KB |
This summary has been revised as the vote of the US was incorrectly
entered into the balloting system. The results have not changed. This
document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. As per the
results of this ballot, the revised text will be submitted to ITTF for
republication. |

N4306 |
Summary of Voting for SC 22 N4297,
Revised Text of ISO/IEC TR 18037 :2004, Information technology -
Programming languages - C - Extensions to support embedded processors Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-01-16 |
4 |
41 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. As per
the results of this ballot, the revised text will be submitted to ITTF
for republication. |

N4305 |
JTC 1 N 8557, JTC 1 Directives, 5th Edition, Version 3.0
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Procedural Documentation |
Act |
2008-01-10 |
189 |
562 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for use.

N4304 |
Result of the 2007 Systematic Review for ISO/IEC 15145:1997, Information technology - Programming languages - FORTH
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2007-12-20 |
7 |
156 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. As per
the results of this ballot, this standard has been confirmed.

N4303 |
Result of the 2007 Systematic Review for
ISO/IEC 20970:2002, Information technology - Programming languages,
their environments and system software interfaces - JEFF file format Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2007-12-20 |
7 |
138 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. As per
the results of this ballot, this standard has been confirmed.

N4302 |
Result of the 2007 Systematic Review for
ISO/IEC 13568 : 2002, Information technology - Z formal specification
notation - Syntax, type system and semantics Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2007-12-20 |
7 |
80 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 members for information. As per
the results of this ballot, this standard has been confirmed.

N4301 |
Result of the 2007 Systematic Review for ISO/IEC 16262 : 2007, Programming languages - ECMAscript language specification
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2007-12-19 |
7 |
128 KB |
NOTE This document is circulated to SC 22 members for
information. As per the results of this ballot, this standard has been