
N4405 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N4319, CD Ballot for ISO/IEC 1539-1, Programming languages - Fortran - Part 1: Base language
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Act |
2008-09-15 |
40 |
126 KB |
As per the results of this ballot, the CD is registered. WG 5 is
instructed to review the comments received and provide a response. The
summary of voting on the CD registration is contained in N4404.

N4404 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N4319,
Registration Ballot for ISO/IEC CD 1539-1, Programming languages -
Fortran - Part 1: Base language Source: SC 22 Secretary
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Act |
2008-09-15 |
6 |
42 KB |
As per the results of this ballot, the CD is registered. WG 5 is
instructed to review the comments received and provide a response. The
summary of voting on the CD ballot is contained in N4405.

N4403 |
Draft Technical Corrigendum 3 for ISO/IEC 1989:2002, COBOL
Source: WG 4 Convener (A. Bennett)
Revised DCOR text for review or ITU-T action |
Vote |
2008-12-12 |
2008-09-11 |
8 |
42 KB |
NOTE Please submit your vote via the online balloting system
by the due date indicated. The Defect Report is available as SC 22 N

N4402 |
Record of Response 3 for Defect Report 3 for ISO/IEC 1989:2002, COBOL
Source: WG 4 Convener (A. Bennett)
Other document (Open) |
Act |
2008-09-11 |
22 |
84 KB |
This document is for use when balloting the Draft Technical Corrigenda contained in document SC 22 N4403.

N4401 |
LINKED Final Draft Meeting Agenda for the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary Meeting
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Act |
2008-08-27 |
9 |
2845 KB |
NOTE This document is for use by attendees to the meeting. No
changes have been made to this agenda since N4399. This document has
been hyperlinked for the convenience of attendees. |

N4400 |
SC 22 Document Register (N 4251-N 4400)
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Document Register |
Information |
2008-08-25 |
21 |
109 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 Members for information.