
N4400 |
SC 22 Document Register (N 4251-N 4400)
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Document Register |
Information |
2008-08-25 |
21 |
109 KB |
This document is circulated to SC 22 Members for information.

N4399 |
Final Draft Agenda for the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan, Italy
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Meeting Agenda |
Act |
2008-08-25 |
9 |
30 KB |
This document is circulated for use by delegates to the meeting. Any
contributions or changes to this agenda will need to be approved for
addition at the Plenary. |

N4398 |
Danish National Body Report to JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: Danish National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-25 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan under agenda item
7.1. |

N4397 |
Japanese National Body Report to JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: Japanese National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-25 |
3 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan under agenda item
7.1. |

N4396 |
Meeting Agenda for the December 2008 SC 22/WG 17 Meeting in Udine, Italy
Source: WG 17 Convener (J. Hodgson)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-08-22 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4395 |
German National Body Report to the JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: Geman National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-21 |
3 |
22 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan under agenda item
7.1 |

N4394 |
Netherlands National Body Report to the JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: Netherlands National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-21 |
2 |
30 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan under agenda item
7.1 |

N4393 |
Canadian Contribution to the JTC 1/SC 22 2008 Plenary on the OWG-Vulnerabilities
Source: Canadian National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-21 |
2 |
15 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary in Milan under agenda item
7.4.1 |

N4392 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N4343, Technical Corrigendum 3 for ISO/IEC 1539-1:2004, Programming languages - Fortran
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-08-21 |
4 |
17 KB |
As per the results of this ballot, this corrigendum has passed. It will be forwarded to ITTF for publication.

N4391 |
UK National Body Report to JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: UK National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-20 |
2 |
22 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan under
agenda item 7.1.

N4390 |
JTC 1/SC 27 Request for Comments on
ISO/IEC 27034 - Information technology - Security techniques -
Application security - Part 1: Overview and concepts Source: JTC 1/SC 27 Secretariat
Request for comments |
Comment |
2008-09-30 |
2008-08-14 |
59 |
692 KB |
This document is circulated for review and comment. Please submit any
comments to the SC 22 Secretary by the due date indicated.

N4389 |
PL/I Project Editor's Report to the September 2008 SC 22 Plenary
Source: Project Editor (J. Klensin)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-14 |
3 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 9.7.

N4388 |
JTC 1/SC 22 Programme of Work
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Programme of Work |
Act |
2008-08-06 |
25 |
92 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 6.1.

N4387 |
SC 22 Secretariat's Report to the September 2008 SC 22 Plenary
Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Secretariat Report |
Act |
2008-08-06 |
2 |
31 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 6.

N4386 |
National Body of Japan Contribution on COBOL Standardization Activities
Source: National Body of Japan
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-05 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 8.1.2.

N4385 |
REVISED Business Plan and Covener's Report for WG 9
Source: WG 9 Convener (J. Tokar)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-05 |
2 |
18 KB |
This document replaces SC 22 N4375. This document is circulated for
review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 8.3. |

N4384 |
Preliminary Agenda for Meeting #9 of the OWG: Vulnerability
Source: OWG V Convener (J. Benito)
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-08-05 |
2 |
11 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4383 |
Liaison Report from JTC 1/SC 32 (Data Management and Interchange)
Source: Liaison Representative (F. Farance)
Liaison Organization Contribution |
Act |
2008-08-05 |
353 |
5054 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 7.3.3.

N4382 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for WG 19
Source: WG 19 Convener (R. Scowen)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
3 |
29 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 8.8.

N4381 |
Liaison Report from JTC 1/SC 2 (Coded character sets)
Source: Liaison Representative (M. Ksar)
Liaison Organization Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
18 |
274 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 7.3.2.

N4380 |
Liaison Report from ISO TC 37 (Terminology and other language and content resources)
Source: Liaison Representative (K. Simonsen)
Liaison Organization Contribution |
2008-07-31 |
2 |
87 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 7.3.4.

N4379 |
US Endorsement of Mr. J. Benito as WG 14 Convener
Source: US National Body
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item

N4378 |
US Endorsement of Mr. J. Hodgson as WG 17 Convener
Source: US National Body
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item

N4377 |
US Endorsement of Mr. P.J. Plauger as WG 21 Convener
Source: US National Body
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item

N4376 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 4
Source: WG 4 Convener (A. Bennett)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-31 |
5 |
30 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 8.1.

N4375 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 9
Source: WG 9 Convener (J. Tokar)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-22 |
2 |
18 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item 8.3.

N4374 |
Meeting Announcement and Draft Agenda for the 28-31 October 2008 SC 22/WG 4 Meeting in Ontario, California, USA
Source: WG 4 Convener (A. Bennett)
Meeting Announcement |
Information |
2008-07-22 |
5 |
39 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4373 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 5
Source: WG 5 Convener (J. Reid)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-21 |
7 |
28 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed under agenda item 8.2 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22
Plenary in Milan, Italy. |

N4372 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 21
Source: WG 21 Convener (H. Sutter)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-21 |
5 |
25 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed under agenda item 8.9 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22
Plenary in Milan, Italy. |

N4371 |
Summary of Voting for SC 22 N4318,
ISO/IEC FCD 24747, Information technology - Programming languages,
their environments and system software interfaces - Extensions to the C
Library, to Support Mathematical Functions Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Information |
2008-07-21 |
5 |
35 KB |
As per the results of this ballot, the document has passed FCD
balloting. As no negative votes were received, this document will be
submitted to ITTF for publication, once WG 14 has addressed the
editorial comments received from ITTF. |

N4370 |
Netherlands Endorsement of Mr. Willem Wakker as the SC 22/WG 11 Convener
Source: Netherlands National Body
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-07-21 |
2 |
131 KB |
The document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed under agenda item

N4369 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N4311, CD
Registration and Approval Ballot for Revision of ISO/IEC 10967-1,
Information technology - Language independent arithmetic - Part 1:
integer and floating point arithmetic Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Act |
2008-07-18 |
7 |
25 KB |
Please note that this document replace SC 22 N4348. In that document,
the result of voting for the registration ballot was not included.
Please note that the document has passed both registration and CD
ballot, and WG 11 is instructed to take the comments received into
consideration and prepare a text for FCD ballot.

N4368 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for the Other Working Group on Vulnerabilities
Source: OWG-V Convener (J. Benito)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-15 |
4 |
156 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 7.4.1 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4367 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 14
Source: WG 14 Convener (J. Benito)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-15 |
6 |
125 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 8.5 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4366 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 17
Source: WG 17 Convener (J. Hodgson)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-15 |
2 |
11 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 8.7 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4365 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 11
Source: WG 11 Convener (W. Wakker)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-10 |
4 |
81 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 8.5 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4364 |
ISO/IEC 9945 Project Editor's Status Report to the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Plenary
Source: Project Editor (A. Josey)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-10 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 9.3 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4363 |
Austin Joint Working Group Status Report to the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting
Source: Convener (A. Josey)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-07-10 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 7.2.3 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4362 |
Pascal Project Editor Report to the 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting
Source: Project Editor (T. Hetherington)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-06-27 |
2 |
16 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item 9.9 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4361 |
UK Endorsement of Mr. John Reid as the SC 22/WG 5 Convener
Source: UK National Body
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-06-25 |
2 |
36 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy |

N4360 |
Meeting Announcement and Draft Agenda for the November 2008 JTC 1/SC 22/WG 5 Meeting in Tokyo, Japan
Source: WG 5 Convener (J. Reid)
Meeting Announcement |
Information |
2008-06-25 |
5 |
31 KB |
This document is circulated for information

N4359 |
Report of the First IT Vocabulary Maintenance Team (ITV MT) Meeting held in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from June 2-4, 2008
Source: Vocabulary Maintenance Team Convener (J. Cote)
Meeting Report |
Information |
2008-06-25 |
7 |
44 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4358 |
US National Body Report to JTC 1/SC 22 for 2007-2008
Source: US National Body
National Body Contribution |
Act |
2008-06-24 |
3 |
85 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan under
agenda item 7.1. |

N4357 |
Summary of Voting on SC 22 N4315, Text
for CD Registration and Ballot for ISO/IEC 1989, Information technology
- Programming languages, their environments and system software
interfaces - Programming language COBOL Source: SC 22 Secretariat
Summary of Voting/Table of Replies |
Act |
2008-06-20 |
73 |
350 KB |
The results of this ballot are forwarded to WG 4for review and preparation of a FCD text.

N4356 |
Japan's Endorsement of Professor Taiichi Yuasa as the SC 22/WG 16 COnvener
Source: National Body of Japan
Notification of appointment of Officer |
Act |
2008-06-18 |
2 |
84 KB |
This document is for review and consideration. It will be discussed
under agenda item at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in
Milan, Italy.

N4355 |
New ISO eServices Applications
Source: ISO Central Secretariat
Information from ISO Central Secretariat (Defined) |
Information |
2008-06-17 |
3 |
100 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4354 |
JTC 1 N 9125, First Draft Agenda for the 29-31 July 2008 JTC 1 SWG-Directives Meeting, Mt. Tremblant, Canada
Source: JTC 1 Secretariat
Meeting Agenda |
Information |
2008-06-17 |
3 |
20 KB |
This document is circulated for information.

N4353 |
Business Plan and Convener's Report for SC 22/WG 16
Source: WG 16 Convener (T. Yuasa)
Officer's Contribution |
Act |
2008-06-16 |
3 |
19 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed under agenda item 8.6 at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22
Meeting in Milan, Italy. |

N4352 |
Ecma International External Liaison Report for 2007-2008
Source: Liaison Representative (R. Jaeschke)
Liaison Organization Contribution |
Act |
2008-06-12 |
3 |
71 KB |
This document is circulated for review and consideration. It will be
discussed at the September 2008 JTC 1/SC 22 Meeting in Milan, Italy. |

N4351 |
REVISED Meeting Report of the Twentieth Plenary of JTC 1/SC 22, September 2007, Singapore
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Meeting Report |
Information |
2008-06-12 |
27 |
83 KB |
This document has been modified by the comments received.

N4350 |
SC 22 Document Register (N 4301-N 4350)
Source: SC 22 Secretary
Document Register |
Information |
2008-06-12 |
22 |
126 KB |
This document is circulated for information.